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            [paticka_budova_a_nadpis] => BUILDING A
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Department of Education, 
FCT Dean’s Office, 
Centre for Information Services
            [paticka_budova_b_nadpis] => BUILDING B
            [paticka_budova_b_popis] => Department of R&D, Dean’s Offices:
Computer Centre, 
Department of International Relations, 
            [paticka_budova_c_nadpis] => BUILDING C
            [paticka_budova_c_popis] => Crèche Zkumavka, 
General Practitioner, 
Department of Economics and Management, 
Department of Mathematics
            [paticka_budova_1_nadpis] => NATIONAL LIBRARY OF TECHNOLOGY
            [paticka_budova_1_popis] =>  
            [paticka_budova_2_nadpis] => CAFÉ CARBON
            [paticka_budova_2_popis] =>  
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What is onboarding?

Onboarding is a key process of integrating new employees into the organisation, thereby enhancing both their professional, social, cultural and organisational integration. As a result, employees feel welcomed as part of the organisation and better prepared for the tasks ahead of them. The sooner the new employee feels welcome and fully informed, the better and quicker they will be able to contribute to the organisation successfully.

Onboarding procedures are common in the private sector but often absent in academic institutions. In particular for newly hired Early Career Researchers (ECR), namely PhD candidates, such procedures will strongly impact both their integration into the organisation and clarification of roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in their programme. In order to maximize their impact, it is therefore important that onboarding procedures are approved and supported by supervisors and Postgraduate offices. While it has been shown that successful onboarding contributes to increased well-being and motivation, many ECRs often feel somewhat lost and poorly supported when entering academia, leading to doubt, insecurity and sometimes even an early abandonment of their research project.

UCT and onboarding

In collaboration with the PRIDE network (Professionals in Doctoral Education), a working group was formed with the aim of drafting a publication on onboarding, focusing for the first time on doctoral candidates and postdocs and their adaptation process at the university.

UCT Prague initially launched an extensive questionnaire to assess awareness of onboarding, whether and how many people have encountered it, and what they would welcome within the academic environment. After evaluating the questionnaire, meetings were held in the private sector with HR professionals. We wanted to verify how onboarding is conducted in private companies and how we can leverage their know-how and experiences in our context.

The collected materials and interviews with HR professionals were used to create an adaptation plan, which was piloted from September 2023 at three institutes of  UCT Prague. The resulting adaptation plan, which is part of this page, will serve the needs of UCT Prague supervisors who work with newly hired doctoral candidates. Furthermore, the adaptation plan will be utilized for the PRIDE network publication, serving as a foundation for other European universities.

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 75749 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /onboarding_en [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59647] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Prospective doctoral candidates [seo_title] => Prospective doctoral candidates [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 59647 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /prospective-students [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [43367] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Doctoral Candidates [seo_title] => Doctoral Candidates [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Zde se zobrazují boxy (ze složky phd-boxy)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 43367 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /phd-students [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [37644] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => PhD Double Degree (DD) [seo_title] => PhD Double Degree (DD) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

UCT Prague cooperates with partner universities in Europe on joint doctoral study programmes.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0002~~y0lMyi9KLMkvik9KTEs0MQYA.jpg [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

What is a “Double-Degree” programme?

It is doctoral study programme that is leading to two diplomas from both home university as well as partner university. Student works on one dissertation, the study programmes are fully integrated between collaborating universities and include specialized courses at home university and one interdisciplinary at partner university. 

Each successful applicant signs individual contract about doctoral double degree based on his/her particular situation (research area, supervisor’s requirements, home university requirements etc.). The contract is signed between UCT Prague and student’s home university.

Requirements for doctoral double degree contract:

  • Student has to agree with two supervisors – one from the home university, one from UCT Prague
  • Student has to be accepted by his/her supervisor to PhD studies at UCT Prague
  • Student has to be accepted to PhD studies at his/her home university
  • UCT Prague and student’s home university have to have a joint double degree study programme (list of offered programmes below)

Contact persons at UCT Prague

First contact (study matter) - Contact person of each double degree study programme.

Second contact (general matter, information about the application proceedings)– Department of International Relations:


In terms of cooperation with partner universities no tuition is required. Students are expected to cover any additional costs themselves.

What are the advantages?

Besides improved employability of graduates, there is emphasis on research activity coupled with a possibility to lead small research groups. The program inherently strengthens professional language knowledge. There are possibilities to gain practical skills thanks to cooperation with partner companies such as Zentiva, Zeva, Contipro, Lonza Biotec or in practically oriented departments of Czech Academy of Sciences, where are practical traineeships available. Last but not least there is excellent support of students, including motivational scholarships.

Double degree programmes offered

There are 8 programmes at 4 faculties

FCT – Faculty of Chemical Technology

FET – Faculty of Environmental Technology

FBT – Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology

FCE – Faculty of Chemical Engineering

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 37644 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /phd-double-degree-en [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [24134] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 24134 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [iduzel] => 58015 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => web [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) [api_suffix] => )


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Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Catalysts for the oxidation of volatile organic compounds

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Technology
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Ing. Pavel Topka, Ph.D.


Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are one of the main contributors to air pollution. They are precursors of photochemical smog (ground-level ozone) and very efficient greenhouse gases (up to 11 times more effective compared to CO2). Furthermore, they are detrimental not only to the environment but also to the human health due to their harmful properties (toxic, malodorous, mutagenic and carcinogenic). Therefore, increasingly strict regulations are being put in place worldwide in order to reduce VOC emissions into the atmosphere. VOCs are emitted from thousands of different sources like chemical plants, petroleum refineries, power plants, paint industry, gas stations, dry cleaners etc. In the industry, the old thermal incineration units are retrofitted with the catalytic oxidation technology, which is a green and cost-effective method for the abatement of VOC emissions. The aim of the thesis is the development of new catalysts for VOC oxidation. The activity and selectivity of the prepared catalysts in the oxidation of model VOCs will be correlated with their physicochemical properties in order to identify the factors important for their efficiency. Required education and skills: • master degree in chemical engineering, physical chemistry, organic technology, chemical physics or similar; • willingness to do experimental work and learn new things, team work ability.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Catalysts of heteroatom elimination in the refining of hydrocarbon feeds

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Technology
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Mgr. Luděk Kaluža, Ph.D.


Heteroatoms N, O, S, or Cl bound in hydrocarbons represent a barrier in the chemical processing of fossil and renewable feeds, because they are a source of corrosion in chemical equipment, catalytic poisons, harm the environment or deteriorate the energy value of hydrocarbons. These heteroatoms are therefore removed by decomposition reactions to form hydrogenated heteroatoms and pure hydrocarbons. Some decompositions are accompanied by C-C condensation reactions (Guerbet coupling, aldol condensation). The study will cover the synthesis of new heterogeneous catalysts including the evaluation of their activity and selectivity in model reactions performed in laboratory tubular flow microreactors. Gas and liquid chromatography (GC/FID/MSD/SCD, LC/qTOF) creates the chemical-analytical background for the reaction progress kinetic analysis (RPKA). Microstructural characterization of the prepared catalysts will comprise N2/Ar physisorption, inverse chromatography, XRD, XPS, Raman/IR spectroscopy or SEM/HR-TEM microscopy.Required education and skills • Master degree in chemistry, chemical technology, chemical engineering; • experience with varied experimental work in a chemical laboratory; • ability to work as part of a team.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Electrodeless discharge lamps in the preparation of polyaromatics

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Dr. Ing. Vladimír Církva


Proposal is based on the connection of two scientific disciplines: traditional photochemistry and recently developed microwave chemistry, when the effect of UV/Vis and microwave radiation on the chemical and physical properties of molecules is studied. The required radiation is generated completely atypically directly by the microwave field using so-called electrodeless discharge lamps (EDLs). The aim of the project is basic research in the preparation of EDLs (mercury, sulfur, other metal) and optimization of the effect of microwave and UV/vis radiation on the photocyclization of stilbene derivatives, which can lead to polyaromatics. Required education and skills: • master degree in organic technology or organic chemistry, • experimental skill and practical knowledge of reaction optimization, • team work ability, • employment contract at ICPF.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Microwave photochemistry and preparation of polyaromatic compounds

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Dr. Ing. Vladimír Církva


Proposal is based on the connection of two scientific disciplines: traditional photochemistry and recently developed microwave chemistry, when the effect of UV/Vis and microwave radiation on the chemical and physical properties of molecules is studied. The required radiation is generated completely atypically directly by the microwave field using so-called electrodeless discharge lamps. The aim of the project is basic research and optimization into the influence of microwave radiation on the course of cis-trans photoisomerization and photocyclization of stilbene and o-terphenyl derivatives, leading to phenanthrene, triphenylene, phenacene, helicene analogues or their N- and S-hetero derivatives, which may find application in molecular electronics. Required education and skills: • master degree in organic technology, • experimental skill and practical knowledge of reaction optimization, • team work ability.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Modular synthesis of dendritic carriers of drugs for applications in regenerative medicine

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Ing. Tomáš Strašák, Ph.D.


The project is focused on the application of modular synthesis principles to a preparation of novel dendritic materials with properties tailored for medicinal applications, especially in the field of regenerative medicine. The first stage comprises the synthesis of a library of carbosilane building blocks (dendrons) using silicon atom as a branching point and bearing suitable peripheral functional groups (saccharide ligands, cationic groups, PEGyl chains etc.). These components will then be used for the construction of multifunctional macromolecular compounds with precisely defined dendritic structure. The application of prepared materials to the encapsulation of small molecule drugs, complexation of therapeutically active proteins and growth factors, and physically-chemical characterization of these systems will be an inherent part of the work, with emphasis on suitable pharmacokinetic and cytotoxic behavior. The work is a part of the research project supported from OP JAK fund; within this project the student will closely collaborate with external partners on the application of the prepared materials. Required education and skills • Master degree in organic chemistry, organic technology; • enthusiasm for experimental work and learning of new things; • team work ability.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Phosphorus heterocycles: the new frontier in redox flow battery technology

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Ing. Jan Storch, Ph.D.


The transition to a low-carbon economy requires renewable energy sources and increased energy storage capacity in stationary applications. Lithium-ion batteries, despite their recent advancements, are constrained by short-term storage capacity and energy loss over multiple cycles, diminishing their lifespan. They also present safety and reliability concerns. Organic radical flow batteries (ORFBs), using organic redox-active molecules instead of traditional metal compounds, offer an alternative. This project aims to develop phosphorus heterocycles for ORFBs, ensuring stability over a broad temperature range, and providing high energy density and cyclability. The goal is to surpass the limitations of existing quinone and phenazine-based electrolytes, matching the performance of commercially used vanadium-based ORFBs. Required education: • Master's degree in Organic/Inorganic Chemistry or Organic Technology and related fields.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Phycocyanin production in autotrophic, heterotrophic and mixotrophic modes of microalgae cultivation

Granting Departments: Department of Biotechnology
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Ing. Irena Brányiková, Ph.D.


Phycocyanin (PC) is a blue-coloured protein pigment associated with the accessory light-harvesting complex in microalgae. It is a water-soluble, multimeric compound having fluorescent tetrapyrrole chromophores. Recently, PC has been reported to have various therapeutic properties such as antioxidant, antidiabetic, antiaging, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, anticancerous, immunoregulating, and antiinflammatory. Althought PC is already used in food technology and cosmetics, its potential is not yet fully exploited especially due to rapid degradation at acidic pH and relatively high price. The aim of this work will be to cultivate the cyanobacteria Limnospira sp., Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and red alga Galdieria sulphuraria (i), to determine the productivity of biomass and PC under different conditions in the autotrophic, heterotrophic and mixotrophic regime (ii), to optimize the production conditions on a laboratory scale (e.g. temperature, pH, source of nitrogen, carbon and energy) (iii), assess the chemical and thermal stability of PC (iv) and evaluate methods of PC extraction from the biomass including production costs estimation.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Preparation of nanofibrous catalysts by electrospinning technique

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Technology
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Ing. Karel Soukup, Ph.D.


The main aim of the proposed project is focused on assessment of the specific properties of the novel polymeric nanofibrous materials prepared by electrospinning in applications as effective catalyst supports. Other targets of this project will be specifically addressed to the optimization of the electrospinning process parameters with respect to properties of the prepared supports, deposition of the catalytically active centers or catalyst precursors and assessment of the effect of support microstructure on the phenomenological kinetics of model reactions. Studied model reactions will involve both reaction in gas-phase (total oxidation of volatile organic compounds) and liquid-phase (selective hydrogenation of unsaturated carbonyl compounds). Additionally, it will be investigated the possible influence of differences between polymer surface nature of nanofibers and conventional polymeric catalyst supports on catalytic properties. Required education and skills: • Master degree in chemical technologies, chemical engineering or chemistry of materials; • methodical and creative approach to work; • willingness to perform experimental work and learn new issues.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Preparation of phospha-nanographenes

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Ing. Jan Storch, Ph.D.


π-Conjugated organophosphorus systems have become the subject of intensive research in recent years, primarily due to their applications in materials chemistry. The presence of the phosphorus atom in these molecules facilitates further derivatization, effectively altering some key characteristics of the target molecules and their intended applications. A special place in this class of substances is occupied by six-membered phosphacycles. Although considerable progress has been made recently in synthesizing these substances, polyaromatic compounds incorporating a phosphinine ring remain rare. This study will investigate synthetic routes for introducing the phosphinine core into nanographene structures. The properties of these novel compounds will also be extensively studied. Required education: • Master's degree in Organic/Inorganic Chemistry or Organic Technology and related fields.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Synthesis of glycomimetic organometallic inhibitors of galectins

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Mgr. Jindřich Karban, Ph.D.


Galectins are a class of lectins (carbohydrate-binding proteins other than enzymes and antibodies) characterized by affinity to some galactosides and sequence homology. Non-covalent interactions of galectins with oligosaccharides are involved in many fundamental biological events. Inhibition of these interactions by synthetic analogs of saccharides (glycomimetics) is of principal significance in their study as well as in drug development. The main goal of this PhD project is the synthesis and evaluation of hybrid glycomimetic galectin inhibitors based on the combination of carbohydrate and organometallic structural motifs. Installation of an organometallic moiety into the structure of a glycomimetic inhibitor can not only result in higher affinity or selectivity of inhibition, but also enable to study the interactions with galectins by means of electrochemical methods. Required education and skills • Master degree in chemistry. • The willingness to acquire and apply advanced methods of organic synthesis.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.

Synthesis of mono- and multivalent inhibitors of tandem galectins

Granting Departments: Department of Organic Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
Study Programme/Specialization: ( in English language )
Supervisor: Mgr. Jindřich Karban, Ph.D.


Galectins are a class of lectins (carbohydrate-binding proteins other than enzymes and antibodies) characterized by affinity to galactosides and sequence homology. The so-called tandem galectins comprise two related but non-identical carbohydrate-binding domains (CRD) with a partially different substrate specificity. The inhibition of tandem galectins by synthetic analogs of saccharides (glycomimetics) is of principal significance in fundamental research as well as in drug development. Attachment of monovalent domain-specific inhibitors to suitable carriers will give rise to multivalent inhibitors that can inhibit both domains within the tandem galectin simultaneously and very effectively if the right topology is achieved. The main goal of this PhD project is the synthesis and evaluation of glycomimetic inhibitors of individual domains and verification of the hypothesis that an appropriate spatial arrangement of domain-specific inhibitors on a multivalent carrier can lead to high affinity inhibitors of tandem galectins due to a multivalent effect. Required education and skills • Master degree in chemistry. • The willingness to learn and apply advanced methods of organic synthesis.
Contact supervisor Study place: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i.
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