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Admissions Double Degree Programmes

The admission requirements slightly vary depending on whether UCT Prague will be your home University or whether you are coming to UCT Prague from the Partner University.



  1st round to DD DSP 2nd round to DD DSP

Supervisors Enter Suggested Dissertation Thesis Topics in Internal System

by 30. 11. 2023 by 31. 12. 2023
Publication of Dissertation Thesis Topics by  8. 1. 2024 by 8. 2. 2024
Application Deadline 29. 2. 2024 15. 4. 2024
Sending out Invitation to Application Interviews by 1. 4. 2024 by 29. 4. 2024
Admission Interviews March / April 2024 May 2024
Announcement of Admissions Results by 15. 5.2024* by 30. 6. 2024*

* The announcement of the result of the admission procedure may be influenced by the organization of the admission procedure and the administrative deadlines according to the legal regulations of the partner foreign university. In such case, the respective students shall be informed about such fact before this deadline.


Application Materials for Applicants Applying to UCT Prague

There is an online application. All application documents shall be scanned to PDF separately and each document shall be properly named in the format: Surname_name-of-the-attachment.

  1. Choose a Dissertation Thesis topic
  2. Create and fill out an application in the Online Application System (OAS)
  3. Upload to OAS as an attachment (in PDF) the supervisor's confirmation that you can work on the Dissertation Thesis (communicate with the supervisor by e-mail and transfer that email to PDF); it must include: 1) the supervisor's approval, 2) your name, 3) the topic of the dissertation thesis and 4) the supervisor's department
  4. Upload the Medical Assessment Form⇓ confirming your fitness to study at UCT (Use the UCT Form)
  5. Upload the documents listed below:
    1.  Curriculum vitae (including a list of published works, other results of professional activity, and previous experience)
    2. Diploma and diploma supplement
    3. Certificate of English Language Knowledge of at least the level B2 or higher according to requirements of a partner university
      (Current UCT students: if you do not have a certificate, arrange an examination at the Department of Languages – it is necessary that you have completed the data in the OAS and send a request for an examination at
      Details of English Certificate

      UCT Prague requires students to have a good command of English in order to study successfully. You must provide us with proof of your English language skills. 

      Non-Native English Speaker

      Non-native speakers are required to prove the language competence of B2+ according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

      Recognized Certificates are:

      1. Cambridge ESOL: minimum FCE,
      2. TOEFL iBT: minimum score 80,
      3. IELTS: minimum band score 5.5, 
      4. Duolingo English Test: minimum score B2 (90)

      Other Acceptable Formats:

      Confirmation of language knowledge confirmed by a language center or a language school. The confirmation will only be accepted if it confirms the minimum language level B2 and above.

      Students who studied in the English language shall provide official confirmation.

      Native English Speakers

      Students whose mother tongue is English are excluded from this obligation.

    4. Motivation Letter (maximum of 2 A4 pages)
    5. Copy of your passport (only the page with your picture and personal data)
    6. Certificate of Recognition of Previous Education 
  6. Send the application
  7. Download the application to PDF (this option is to be found in OAS), sign it and have it signed by the supervisor. After that, upload the signed application as an attachment to OAS. (Upload it to the section Detailed information on admission procedure)


Apply Now


In the event that the applicant successfully passes the admissions procedure, it will be necessary to provide certified copies of the Diploma and Diploma Supplement and the original Medical Assessment Form in order to be officially enrolled in the studies.


Should you need help searching for a suitable dissertation thesis topic or supervisor, please contact the respective person from your chosen faculty:

Faculty of Chemical Technology:
b Faculty of Environmental Technology:
b Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology:
b Faculty of Chemical Engineering:



Application Materials for Applicants from Partner Universities

There is a paper-based application.  All application documents in the required format shall be scanned as a separate attachment, each of them properly named (in the format: your surname_name of the application document) and sent to

The required application documents include:

  1. Application form – you are required to submit two application forms, one in Word format and one in PDF format signed by you and your supervisor 
  2. Master Diploma with Diploma Supplement – only certified copies of the originals are acceptable, i.e. stamped by the educational institute, officially translated into English (where applicable), and verified according to the international agreements
  3. Letter of Motivation
  4. Certificate of English Language Knowledge (based on the partner university requirements)
  5. Curriculum Vitae
  6. Copy of your passport or ID
  7. Recent Medical Assessment Form> (not older than 2 months when uploaded) confirmed by your general practitioner
  8. List of Publications and other outcomes of scientific work – if applicable

Upon request: Certified translation of Birth Certificate or similar document providing evidence of date and place of birth.

Updated: 27.3.2024 11:07, Author: Jakub Staś



Apply Now


The application deadline for the first round is on February 29, 2024, and for the second round on April 15, 2024. 


Standard PhD Programmes

For information about the application procedure to standard PhD programmes, please visit this page:



In case of specific questions about doctoral studies, contact the dean's office of the relevant faculty directly according to the offer of the dissertation topic:

In case of questions regarding the application, please contact:


Own Dissertation Thesis Topic?

If you are interested in an individual dissertation thesis topic, contact the vice-dean for science and research of the relevant faculty, or the supervisor researching the given topic, and consult the possibility of listing an individual dissertation topic.
The topic must be entered by the supervisor in the Study Information System by 31 December 2023 at the latest.

A/V/961/18/2023 (EN)Admission Proceedings for Admission to Doctoral Study Programmes for the Academic Year 2024/202512.10.202331.10.2024
PhD DD Application Form for Partner University Students - 2021/2022
Medical Assessment Form
Application for the Recognition of Foreign Education in the Czech Republic

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.