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Instructions for filling in Report on the outcomes of the DSP student’s professional activities

Basic information

  • For filling in the information for the annual assessment and report on the outcomes of professional activities, DSP students shall use the web application e-doktorand
  • An overview of points awarded for DSP students' results at UCT Prague is available on the doctoral study website The unified system of points for outcomes, applicable to all school, is proposed by the Vice-Deans of the faculties and approved by the Vice-Rector for Research and Development. The points reflect the final assessment given by the Methodology of Assessment of Results of Research and Development approved by the Council for Research, Development and Innovation of the government of the Czech Republic. The point assessment may be changed every year.
  • The activities that count are only those from the respective doctoral study and the immediately preceding master and bachelor studies but not those from previous or current other doctoral studies, internships or employments.
  • Master thesis is not included in any of the items (all PhD students have completed a diploma thesis).
  • The item Složené a platné zkoušky podle Vašeho studijního plánu DSP – Completed and valid exams according to your study plan of DSP serves for entering the actual number of prescribed exams in specialized study subjects of DSP in compliance with the approved ISP. For students of newly accredited study programs with a mandatory number of 4 professional doctoral courses, the maximum number of counted points is 4. For other doctoral study programmes, where according to accreditation the obligation to enroll in the Individual Study Plan and pass 3 doctoral professional courses applies, the maximum counted points is 3.


Pedagogical activities

  • Podíl na výuce - The share in teaching is calculated as ratio of [the number of hours taught for the subject for the entire semester] to [the number of hours assigned to the subject for the whole semester according to the bachelor or master programme]. You know how many hours you taught. The number of hours assigned to the subject for the whole semester will be calculated if you multiply 14 times the weekly scope of the subject according to the information on the subjects provided at (you also write the weekly scope of the subject in the C/L fields in the form). If you teach full scope of the subject, your share in teaching is 1. If you teach the same subject in the semester in full scope twice (to two groups of students), your share in teaching equals 2, etc. Share in teaching does not depend on the number of teachers present in the practical (laboratory) lesson; for example, if the whole subject is taught by two teachers/PhD students, the share of each is 1.
  • Include exclusively the teaching of standard scheduled laboratories in the section pedagogical activities (teaching), which are taught for a larger group of students in the relevant program or field.
  • It is not allowed to record any specific guidance of your master's or bachelor's students, who already work on their theses, within various laboratories for a working laboratory group. This activity is reported by the doctoral student in the Pedagogy section - final thesis consulting) only after the submission (and defense) of the bachelor's or master's thesis, which is based on these "laboratories" and "projects", and where the doctoral student works as a consultant. If you have any questions, please contact the Vice-Dean for Research and Development.
  • Konzultant diplomové nebo bakalářské práce – Consultant to defended diploma or bachelor thesis – Fill in the full name of the student, title of thesis and number of consultants. For consultations for bachelor or diploma thesis there are awarded 2 points, which are equally divided among consultants, depending on their number. The number includes only students of doctoral programme who are registered as consultants. The supervisor of the thesis is not included in the calculation. It is possible to state only theses which were in the time period of the assessed year of study of the PhD student properly submitted and defended and which were created under the auspices of UCT Prague. If the thesis is not successfully defended and consultations were reported in the activities, they cannot be reported again in the following year. Note: Make sure your name is stated in the assignment of the student´s bachelor / diploma thesis. Otherwise you will not be stated in the system as a consultant and it will not be possible for the system to verify the correctness of the entered information.
  • Supervision over project of foreign students at UCT Prague receives points if the supervision lasts at least 2 months. Supervision over this work is awarded 1 point, which is equally divided among the consultants, based on the number of consultants. This number includes only students of doctoral study programme.


International experience

  • International professional stay – the student states the duration of professional stay abroad Professional / study trip abroad from-to
  • Working in an international team from-to result published abroad yes x no
  • Participation in an international project from-to   result published abroad yes x no
  • Student must be the author or co-author of the published result and he describes the international experience / conference in the report


Publication activities and Conferences

  • In case of co-authorship the points for individual results are divided by the number of authors plus one. The first author receives double the point share than the other authors.
  • When entering the number of authors of the respective result, count always all authors from the Czech Republic and abroad.
  • In items C1 – C4 In items C1 – C4 include only papers at conferences which already took place, or at conferences for which you have registered (this applies to conferences to be held by the end of your current year of study); when stating Conference Proceedings Citation Index use the list provided on the doctoral study web This list has not been updated since 2016 (update is not available anymore).
  • If the conference is not listed, search for it directly in WoS - Select a database - Web of Science Core Collection - Basic Search - enter the name of the conference - select in the Conference box on the right, select Timespan (All years) below the conference name and then check the area below (eg CPCI-S - 1990-present, CPCI-SSH…) and on the right Auto-suggest publication names ON.
  • Fill in the full citation of the paper (authors, title of the paper, name of conference, place and date of conference or seminar, and number of pages of full text if applicable). In addition: number of authors, select if you are prezentující autor - presenting author (ano-yes/ne-no) první autor - first author (ano-yes/ne-no) and if your paper was complemented with full text (note: Abstract is not full text!).
     The full text, in order to be recognized, must meet the length of at least 4 pages, including images.
    It is also necessary to fill in the ISSN/ISBN code. If the full text is accepted for publication in proceedings that have not been printed yet, please state the title and the note “in print”.
    Note: If the student does not enter the ISSN but the option “in print“,  he/she will receive only a small number of points because the journal will fall automatically in the lowest category.
    Fictitious example of full citation of paper: Novák J., Nováková L.; Analysis of new components, International Conference on Analysis 2014; Berlin, Germany 7 – 11 July 2014; number of full text pages:8
  • Journals and book publications accepted for print are stated with DOI identifier if you don´t know ISSN/ISBN, or you state ISSN/ISBN with the note at the end of citation “in print“. Note: If the student does not enter the ISSN but the option “in print“, he/she will receive only a small number of points because the journal will fall automatically in the lowest category.
  • In the field "year of publication", if the publication is only accepted for printing, state the year of receipt of the result.
  • In the case of a new journal for which an IF has not yet been determined (it is not yet listed in the statistics), it is necessary to enter the article number in the WoS list resp. Scopus. If the journal is listed in these lists, 10 points / (number of authors + 1) will be assigned after the check.
  • The outcomes for the period between the submission of the form and the end of the current year of study can be added individually upon agreement with your Vice-Dean for Science and Research.
  • Upon request, you have to be able to prove the activities reported in the form by presenting a written document:
    • For conferences, by a copy of the abstract or full text from the conference proceedings together with a copy of the cover page of the proceedings,
    • For already published journal publications, by a separate copy of the journal or by a copy of the article from the journal,
    • For publication in print, by the manuscript and confirmation by the editors that the article has passed successfully the review process and has been accepted for print; publications only sent to the editors cannot be included in the form.
  • Stating of erroneous information will be penalized, after discussing the case in presence of the student, his/her supervisor and the Vice-Dean for Science and Research, by penalty points deducted from the item Celkem bodů – Total points. The maximum sanction will be three times the amount of the unjustified points obtained.
Updated: 31.8.2021 16:15, Author: Jan Kříž

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.