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Study Programmes and PhD Topics

PhD Studies at UCT Prague

PhD studies are focused on the scientific and independent creative activity of students in the field of research and development.
UCT Prague offers study in the following accredited doctoral study programs:
  • Standard – carried out at UCT Prague only,
  • Double degree (abbreviation DD, also "double diploma") – realized by UCT Prague in cooperation with accredited foreign partner universities.
All doctoral study programs of the double degree (DD) type are carried out only in the full-time form of study. Other study programmes can be carried out in the full-time form, or in the so-called "combined form" (combination of face-to-face and distance form).


UCT Prague has over 800 doctoral students conducting cutting-edge research work in all of its four faculties.

Doctoral students work closely with their advisors, primarily as scientific assistants, assisting with research projects in addition to completing any required coursework. The UCT Prague doctoral experience also includes opportunities for teaching and of course, writing and defending a doctoral dissertation related to the research projects.

Doctoral students at UCT Prague can complete their studies either as full-time students or as a combination of full-time and distance learning. Each student’s doctoral experience is always tailored to the needs of the individual student, according to the pace at which requirements are completed. The standard length of the doctoral study programme is four years, according to current accreditation requirements.


Study Programmes

A new full list of available study programmes and dissertation thesis topics is published on February 15.

  • The offer of Dissertation Thesis topics – new listed topics for submitting applications for study from 2023/2024 will be published on February 15, 2023. For some study programmes, topics from 2022/2023 remain visible for the inspiration of applicants and will be replaced in February by newly posted topics.


Should you need help searching for a suitable dissertation thesis topic or supervisor, please contact the respective person from your chosen faculty:

Faculty of Chemical Technology:
b Faculty of Environmental Technology:
b Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology:
b Faculty of Chemical Engineering:


Updated: 18.1.2024 13:10, Author: Mili Viktorie Losmanová



Apply Now


The applications deadline is April 15, 2024.


Double Degree Programmes

For information about the application procedure to Double Degree programmes, please visit this page:



In case of specific questions about doctoral studies, contact the dean's office of the relevant faculty directly according to the offer of the dissertation topic:

In case of questions regarding the application, please contact:


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.