FCHT – Fakulta chemické technologie
Kontaktní osoba:
- Prof. David Sedmidubský, email: sedmidub@vscht.cz
Příklady témat disertačních prací:
- New chiral materials
- Flavin-based reductive photocatalysis
- Development highly accurate electronic structure methods with application to organometallics
- Innovative Pressure Assisted Sintering Methods for Producing Highly Transparent Ceramics for Optical Applications
- Polymers from renewable sources
Partnerské univerzity:
Chemistry and Technology of Materials
Kontaktní osoba:
- ENSC Lille a UNIVPM Ancona: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Novák, email: panovak@vscht.cz
- CNRS Caen: Ing., Ladislav Nádherný, PhD., email: nadherny@vscht.cz
Příklady témat disertačních prací:
- Fatigue and tribo-corrosion properties of new beta-titanium alloys for medical implants
- Design of tool materials with minimized use of critical raw materials
- Development of microstructure of alloys during ultra-high energy mechanical alloying
- Innovative Pressure Assisted Sintering Methods for Producing Highly Transparent Ceramics for Optical Applications
- Structural, Magnetic and Thermoelectric Properties of TM in ZnO / ZnS: Effects of Nano-sizing
Partnerské univerzity:
Chemistry and Chemical Technologies
Kontaktní osoba:
Příklady témat disertačních prací:
- Degradation of pollutants in waste waters
- Study of binary effects on compaction of particulate solid mixtures
- Hydrogenation of aromates for fine chemicals preparation
- Mixed matrix membranes for gas separation
- Drug release from the solid dosage form depending on its formulation and structure
Partnerské univerzity:
FTOP – Faculta technologie ochrany prostředí
Environmental Chemistry and Technology
Kontaktní osoba:
- Assoc. Prof. Jan Bartáček, email: jan.bartacek@vscht.cz
Příklady témat disertačních prací:
- Small-scale organic solid waste digesters
- Reuse of grey water in water centric communities
- Antibiotic resistence genes in anaerobic digesters
- Use of membrane separation processes for the treatment of industrial and contaminated water
- Inovative remediation technologies for the removal of POPs from contaminated soil
Partnerské univerzity:
FPBT – Fakulta potravinářské a biochemické technologie
Biochemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry
Kontaktní osoba:
- ENSCR Rennes: Assoc. Prof. Petra Lipovová, email: Lipovova@vscht.cz
- UI Tromso: doc. Jaroslav Zelenka, email: Jaroslav.Zelenka@vscht.cz
Příklady témat disertačních prací:
- Rational design and screening of compounds/peptides blocking HIV assembly or uncoating
- Screening of compounds from marine organisms as resources for inhibition of beta-amyloid production in neuronal cells
- Bacterial expression system for production and modulation of antibacterial peptide arasin from marine organisms
- The role of hydroxyprolin-rich proteins in plant protection
- Chemical and enzymatic synthesis of S- and N-glycosides
Partnerské univerzity:
Kontaktní osoba:
- Prof. Pavel Dostálek, email: Pavel.Dostalek@vscht.cz
Příklady témat disertačních prací:
- Recombinant preparation of pharmaceutically important proteins and peptides
- Biotransformation of waste oils under semi-dry cultivation conditions
- Antibiotic resistence genes in anaerobic digesters
- The use of bioremediation and nanotechnology for the environmental decontamination of polychlorinated biphenyls
- Possibilities of increasing the colloidal stability of beer and the method of its prediction
Partnerské univerzity:
FCHI – Fakulta chemicko-inženýrská
Chemical and Process Engineering
Kontaktní osoba:
- Prof. František Štěpánek, email: frantisek.stepanek@vscht.cz
Příklady témat disertačních prací:
- Tailoring of nanostructure in mixed matrix membranes for gas and vapour separation
- New effective separation membranes for water and wastewater treatment
- Development of membrane materials for effective desalination
- Effective membrane materials for water vapour separation
- Solvent resistant polymeric membranes for pervaporation and nanofiltration
Partnerské univerzity: